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Things You Should Know Before Buying Your PC

Hi tech-heads, Its Ahnaf Malik Siam on behalf of Frenzytitans360, Back again with what I think as some of the most important aspect of buying computer hardware you should know.

Computer market is now more saturated than ever in Bangladesh, as the technology starts to arrive even in the most rural areas you can think off. Despite the current market situation involving higher gpu & ram prices, It’s safe to say, it's almost a must to have computers for everyone at all the possible shapes.
Though You can buy computers at all possible shapes and sizes, but out of them maybe the most appealing Choice would definitely be buying a desktop computer.  However, buying a Desktop computer is a lot harder than the other ones,assuming you don't want to buy a prebuilt system & as you have to select individual parts for your rig, and they need to be pinpointed exactly otherwise your computer would be unbalanced and so on. So, to help on that, I will try to address the stuffs you should definitely look out for while buying your pc through this blog!

1st Step:Fix a budget-

Fixing the budget before buying your new pc is one of the most important things you should consider, as with the budget fixed, only then you can go ahead to choose and combine the proper hardwares according to your needs. As you have to understand that you can't always buy the top end with your budget. So, by fixing the budget, you can then go ahead and check out the different options available in your budget & choose which will be the best for you!

2nd Step:Identify your Rig’s Purpose-

This is very Important for everybody as,you this will directly impact on your hardware selection. Like for example, you want to use your pc mainly for gaming. So, you will look forward for those kinda parts combination which will give you the highest amount of fps in games, which you can otherwise say, will give you the smoothest gaming experience on your budget.
Or, maybe you want to use the pc for productive cases such as Video editing/Rendering and so on, that will lead you to choose those parts which will perform the best in productivity and save the most amount of your time within your budget. If you want to use the pc for both, then you need the kind of configuration which will be good for both, So I think you’ve got the point.

3rd Step:Do your own research-

Not Everyone’s taste is the same. Each of us has different choices over choosing things.  like for example, some people prefer AMD as their processor brand & some people prefers Intel. That is completely okay and Every brand tries to offer you their best, so not everyone is thinking to take advantage on you. Therefore, the brand preference is completely over you. So, you should plan your computer’s specifications with your own preferences, which you will be happy with. And if it's your first build or you don't have that much of interest or ideas over these, than you should contact someone you know who is experienced or has a great deal of knowledge over it, Someone who can guide you properly for choosing your components according to your needs. Otherwise there is a great chance that some dishonest shopkeepers will take chances over you, with improper hardware selections and so on. So, always do some research before buying your PC!

4th Step:Buy from a trusted shop/use products from trusted & reputable brand-

It is always very important to buy your products from a trusted shop, Cause there is so many variables here. Firstly, Those shops usually won’t try to hand you over some rip-off configurations, and most likely you will be risk free from refurbished parts. & even more to that which is, in case if your computer faces any kinda problems within the warranty period, those trusted shops are the ones which will treat you the best. Otherwise, there are some shops which won't even give you warranty at all, even if you do have warranty left. Therefore, Buying your desired products from a trusted and well known shop based on your area is always very important.
Then, comes the part why you should buy products from an reputable brand. Even though there are so many brands and choices in the pc market, but not all of them is the one which is suitable for you. You have to consider the fact that the reason why those brands are considered reputable or popular because those are the ones which usually offers better quality products & thus, after service/warranty.Though all brands have their ups and downs in quality of their products, make sure to check out the reviews and user experiences of the product you want to buy & Check out the brands overall reputations as well. That way, you will most likely be able to stay away from problems and will be satisfied with your PC!

Following these 4 simple steps, you guys should be able to achieve the perfect computer according to your needs and will be able to stay away from most of the problems with your PC which can easily hamper your whole user experience.

So, that's it for today! In sha Allah I will make a follow up content about it pretty soon,which will be how to build a computer by yourself with steps by steps procedure. So,Definitely stay tuned and keep an eye out for that on our Facebook & Instagram Page!

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